Education perspective shift from 2020 to 2021

Education perspective shift from 2020 to 2021

“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice: Brian Herbert”

I love this quote on learning by Brian Herbert. It kind of made me realize that our entire education system with learning being its nucleus is based on these three parameters.

  1. Capacity
  2. Ability and
  3. Willingness.

Talking about the ancient education system in India also commonly referred to as the Gurukula or the Gurukulam in which a student or the shishya resides in the same house with Guru or the teacher until and unless Guru has faith in the fact that his shishya has ultimately absorbed all the knowledge their Guru could give them. Since the ancient Gurukula time, we have seen drastic changes in the education system that is bent in every possible direction. These changes are introduced because of the changing world and were also done to make sure that students stay abreast with what the world needs and how they can be competent enough to deal with the ever-growing circumstances.

Wondering why are we talking about the education system changes?

Seems like a very valid question! There are a lot of changes that have happened now in the world of education of which the parents are still not aware. It makes sense that if parents aren’t aware of these changes, it would be impossible for them to guide their children onto a proper path. I believe that every parent needs to be on the top-notch information about these systems and through this blog, I am trying to impart my knowledge to them. You will agree to the fact that for any successful story, their respective bases need to be strong and if we compare, for any child, their base lies in the hands of their parents. Don’t you agree? So, I won’t be talking with you about the changes that have been coming in since ancient times but will for sure discuss the changes in the education system that have been brought in because of our infamous CORONA virus pandemic attack.

Earlier in 2019, the education system we know of, was very monotonous but since the pandemic attack, it has totally changed the face with which parents viewed the education system. While I understand that the whole world has faced some unimaginable situations during this pandemic and we are deeply sorry for that but looking on a positive note, it has changed many perspectives and has shown that, be it any situation, learning never stops.

I so wanted to shout this line atop the hill as it hit me hard on a humane level and gave a sigh of relief. Without any further delays, let’s look down at some points that will clearly show a fresh perspective of learning methodologies that are going to be a hit in 2021 when compared with what was in 2019 and 2020. We also need to understand that for any sudden changes to be a great success, it takes a pretty good amount of time to perfect each of them and 2020 was a time when each parent, institution, faculties, teachers, administrations, etc. were trying to figure out what’s best for their child and what step taken can smoothen the entire learning process. Below are some of the points achieved.

Making Learning Fun

It has always been a challenging task for either the parents or teachers for their kids to have both learning and fun at the same time. I totally agree with this point as this is very important for kids to have fun while learning so that their child can grab the most of the knowledge being imparted and not just study for the sake of studying. While there was a systematic process of classes happening in 2019 physically but since 2020, all have changed. All the schools, institutions have changed their mode of classes online. But has this been drawing the same level of attention as it used to have in classes offline?

Learning is fun if done right

I must say Yes… An unshakeable faith is that kids feel more and more nurtured and concentrated at home with their parents beside them. This way they can freely communicate with the parents and teacher on the topics they are facing issues with. This entire environment change from school to home has brought in a drastic level of differences in their understanding. Now as the entire method of achieving success via online classes has been perfected, I am sure that 2021 is no doubt going to bring wonders for kids studying from home.

Being entirely at home in the current pandemic situation has given enough space for parents and other people to think in more innovative ways and make the online learning process fun. To achieve this fun and learn combo, people have been putting in their hearts and effort to create organizations that solely focus on reducing the time and energy of parents and help their kids grow. Like one of the ideas I loved was, these small startups are now providing all the materials and guidance prepared beforehand which kids can understand by themselves without having to constantly bug their parents.

Learning through online workshops

Well while I was a kid, I never paid much heed to the offline workshops happening across my school or tuitions or any other recreation centers. To be very honest, I never actually informed my parents about these workshops as I earlier didn’t realize the changes that it could have been brought within me.

Now any workshops happening online, I am sure parents will be informed beforehand by the school authorities which would give them all the time for necessary preparations. It actually solves the first problem of kids not attending workshops. Online workshops as I see from my point of view are going to change the entire viewpoint of kids thinking or understanding capabilities.

Online workshop conducted by the spark club in 2020

Now, with parents beside their kids, they will feel safer to experiment with what is being taught in the workshop. It will also be helpful for parents to search throughout on the internet of different kinds of workshops being conducted which in turn will help them assess what interests lie in their kids. Using these data, parents can start making analytical decisions on where they need to invest time and what would be beneficial for their kids. 2021 I must say is filled with surprises and would seem like Christmas each day filled with joy.

The year 2020 has bought a lot more innovations in online workshops being conducted. Today, there are amazing online workshops being conducted that help kids engage and learn with zero interference from parents. These kinds of innovations and ideas were missing earlier as no one ever looked at workshops in a way that it is looked at now. But now being at home, it has given space for people to think, innovate on learning methodologies, and making things, even more, easier for parents as they too have a number of things to deal with each day.

Learning through science games

After researching entirely on the science games, I must say that fun science board games are becoming the basic building blocks of children’s future. It is said that children at an age of greater than 4 grab the concept more quickly than they do in later stages. At this point, children are undividedly given attention by their parents and teachers which keeps that spark of learning in them burning. The main intention is to help kids figure out their field of likeness and help them improve their skills more and more while they are in the concept grabbing phase. This would act as building a base for them while fun for them is still intact. Isn’t this just out of the box thinking?

For me, I am totally astounded by this idea. Just a simple search on google for maths-based games would give as some amazing products which can teach children addition, fraction, multiplication and a lot more just by playing.

I strongly believe that the online mode of schooling has introduced thousands of learning perspectives which could help both parents and kids in innumerable ways. Now in 2020 and in the upcoming years, these science board games will help children and their parents connect on a totally different level and are going to bring in results that haven’t been thought of until now.


While I understand that 2020 has been a year full of unexpected situations but it’s the year of education reform in India. The education budget in India was raised to ₹99,300 crore in 2020. It might have taken an entire year for the institutions to perfect the method of learning online but still, everyone together has pulled it off. Now, with all these preparations done in the past year, there would be no hurdles in educating your child in upcoming years.

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